18 January 2020

Hello bloggie.

Haven’t been here very frequently for the past years, but still my to go place when I have something on my mind.
Since the previous post about declustering, we have already declustered.
I miss everyone totally. It’s so different.
Work wise or like environment or like people wise.
Wondering if I ever get used to it here.
I Guess today is just the kinda day where you wonder if you can even do this right.
The kinda all over the place feeling and no mood work. Making mistakes here and there when you are not allowed to make any mistakes at all.
One head 2 minds kinda thing.
Maybe I wasn’t cut for such a thing idk.
I just feel so exhausting and tiring Everyday.
And actually dislike what I’m doing.
I thought I liked it?
Or does the people make so much of a difference?
I just feel so alone here.
Like all alone, seat wise I’m seated alone. No one to talk to.
Work wise no one to ask or seek advice for cos everyone is so busy so you just be independent.
So used to having someone or anyone around.
I miss the old team. Badly.
Like now and then when we meet it still feels like back then.
Izzit only us who feels so affected or what?
Or is everyone just keeping it to themselves?
If a boss can determine whether you stay or leave, I Guess it’s really quite true.
I don’t find the clique now. Like work is really just work.
Struggling to manage clients emails work follow ups proposals etc, and also struggling to handle internally expectations and all.
Like I really feel so tired from these.
And the commute is a pain in the ass.
What if I can’t live up to expectations or if I’m not doing well enough.
It’s just funny how it is the same thing but I don’t find joy in what I am doing now.
Want my old team back :(
Everyday just feels so sian.

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