30 May 2018

appreciative post

okay don't say I bipolar ah.
the previous post I drafted long time ago.
but this post is now, today.
like I realised my bf actually quite sweet recently/nowadays.
deserve a post or a note down here right.
做得好当然要praise la.

that day. forgot what we were saying, he said 我最听你的话了what.
hehehehe and he really did what I said I melted.
and I only 随口说说 but he still did it anw so happy is me hehe.
I think it was regarding the tsumtsum game.

then anw today at his house, he came to fetch me hehehe.
idk but I found that gesture sweet.
very rare somemore.
cos got car.
I mean yes he sends me home but this one like extra effort, like he don't even need to leave house one but he did it for me.
so touched.

then at his house, I was so hungry cos only had 2 small sponge cskr for brunch.
and he asked me in like speak to 小孩子 voice: 要吃东西现嘛? 吃 snacks 现 la. 吃yokumoku 要吗,我拿给你。
aiyo melted leh.
like how granny always treat me.
so kiddy so caring so chuwa.

then I thought my period was here.
then have been wanting to ask him since he was busy in the kitchen.
where he kept my packet of pad at his house in case I needed it.
but when he was finally free to ask he needed to poop.
but when he heard my question he banli first thing cheong into his room and find tho I think his shit almost dropping out.
and he even let me use the toilet first despite his need to shit.
so ya gestures like this makes me appreciate him.
small gestures, but big for my heart to feel it.

and all the sayang and care he gave these few days.
cos PMS much.
and all the symptoms.
feels so cared for and taken care of.

and also that day when he OT.
he did sop.
he said sorli baobei and justified.
but what annoyed me was when I thought he was mine and kept camping for his reply there were more things for him to do.
but afterwards when I was finally done he asked about my dinner and stuff which I thought was sweet cos it shows that he cares despite the fact that he missed out while he was busy just now and he also took the effort to fill up what he missed.
chuwa and appreciate such gestures very much.
and ofc with such attitude he gets even more tlc.
and at night he legit update update with all the details and I'm like waaaa amazed eh.
and so pleased with his performance so TLC x100000.
sooo appreciative and thankful for such days and responses.
than I'm freaking tired work least important ok bye.

oh and have I ever mentioned, that I love how he always says don't sleep too late ah. like before he sleeps and when we say our farewells sop for the night?
it's like...just sweet la.
like even tho he tired like mad and he going to bed and sleep but he still cares about you after he sleeps kinda thing??
tho most of the time I don't ever listen and still sleep damn late but it's always nice hearing this during our farewells hehe.
like very fuzzy.
and it's also something that didn't change since 5 years ago.
like during my afternoon shift, and before going to bed he will always tell me that.
faster join him in lalaland, don't sleep so late.
so it's quite aww.
that is a constant than all the changes nowadays.
hehe but I do try to sleep early all the time, just that body clock screwed.
and always at night super active dk why else it's insomnia keep tossing turning.
and the next day, sometimes, he will spot check what time I sleep.
and rather than scolding me for sleeping late he will sayang me instead cos he know I'm tired despite not doing anything.
it's sweet but I feel so guilty cos I'm have the least reason to even be tired. and he should be tired and I should be sayanging him than the other way round.
but yeap.

oh and dk when.
I said something like hehe so nice princess treatment.
then he said you are my princess what. in those endearing tone not the you are my princess WHAT. and he also said all the time while holding me and saying it.
but ya I melted also kekeke

recently I changed the position of the things I place on my study table.
so everyday when I lie on my bed I see the book he bought for me.
and it just makes me happy.
like a reminder that it's okay I'm not perfect.
lol much silly.

but he today so dubious.
he chop up some of the emaining pork belly, then I ask him what's that for, and he said dk.
so I thought he going to prepare something special for me
but end up he mixed it with the sauce and made it for lunch tmr.
but the portion to big for 1 person lunch.
prepare lunch for colleagues also meh?
much dubious eh.
just say going to make it for lunch tmr when I asked la..why say idk when you already know?
then when I asked him why cook so much rice today.
he say cos I'm here.
but the amount of rice is still crazily alot despite the fact that I'm there for dinner?
can have 2/3 more servings with the remaining amount of rice eh.
so the dubious fact that prepare lunch for colleagues meh puzzled me even more.
quite impossible that he finish all the pork and rice alone for lunch.
unless he left the another portion for his fam dinner tmr night.

anw, keep up the good work!
make me love you more. and give you more tlc too.
I just wished he was nore consistent.
like if only this was a daily basis that only period like that huehue.
ok I know asking for too much

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