06 March 2018

olaf will disappear if it keeps melting

need to blog this down before i get anymore sweet moments etc.

that day on sunday, we got down the car.
then he ask when are we meeting next and he hold me back when I almost left for the lift.
because it means that he is looking forward to our next meet up already.
than don't care next time then plan.
hehehehhe chuwa chuwa.
then in the noon, he also know how I feel without having me telling him.
and the best part was he understood it.
it felt so assuring eh.
and I like it alot.
then it's like even if boring also nvm cos he already tried his best and apologised tho it's not really his fault.
so fuzzy hehehe.
"huh why my bueller sound so sian"
"sorry la its my fault for wanting to bake 2 cakes then bueller didn't get to go arcade"
but! it is definitely not entirely his fault.
it's just me greedy want to spend more time with him, because for some reason i missed him alot tho it was only 2 days?? and wanting to do something special cos very rarely we can get the car before 2pm on sunday and do more fun stuff together. cos i was so bored of dinner then ntuc again eh...tho fun to do grocery shopping together but it is tooo routine like my family already i kennnut.
but i guess for bueller it's just a sunday where he can do things he like?
like baking, and baking is cos of me too, cos i like so he bake for me.
and rushed to bake to pass me to try.
but i asked him why he wanted to bake 2 cakes then he admitted that cos he was greedy.
its okay, i know the true reason, i sayang you and pat your head hehehe.
and...never go arcade, yes la was disappointed and that we ended up meeting at similar timing to other sundays. and also pissed with the change change change of locations ROAR.
tho i know he just meant well, to cut short of my waiting time and for us to meet kinda earlier thing.
but if that's the case then why don't you hurry even more!
but it's ok too cos i know he already tried his very very best tho he gweeedy and then he also forsake washing those 2 babies cage and doing it on a weekday instead.
you see! mutual understanding, very good right?
and we were about to have a special dinner, very random somemore and just to satisfy my cravings.
and we also went to huber on a sunday, BUT HUBER STILL GROCERY RIGHT?
but nonetheless still enjoyable cos we do it together.
then even tho i raged abit, he didn't get annoyed or angry with me cos he understood how i felt and like i said it wasn't even truly his fault cos whatever he did it was because of me other than the greeed to bake 2 cakes hahahaha.
and for everything, i appreciate it very very much.
and with him being so understanding at all, it makes me feeeel guilty for raging.
and felt that it was very unnecessary too.
then this bueller said that i was distracted.
i also dk why.
i guess cos he was suisuinian about the rain, but i was about to rebutt saying if we went vivo we wouldn't be caught in the rain what.
BUT i held my tongue cos there wasn't any point to say that and to make the situation worst plus he already got himself wet by driving the car over.
i was worried in fact, cos want to get caught in the rain then get caught together ma, felt bad for making him go fetch the car tho it was really sweet of him and considerate too.
so comforting and reassuring to have such a bf right?
these are the kinda times where i will always feel like; yes he is the one, yes he is the one i wanna spend my life with, yes he is the one where i wouldn't mind spending my next 100 years with, and yes i chose the right one.
i just feel that recently, i appreciate him so much more and he makes me so much happier, and its back to my baobei happy im happy too.
and i really love it alot.
so blessed, so blissful, so happygirl93.
than those times where he demanded for a massage, and claiming that my fingernails poke his skin and then with those menacing look he leapt out of bed and grabbed the nail clipper and held my hands and threatened to cut my nails away.
BUT it wasn't even my fault when i just cut my nails and it was you who demanded massage so how come it is my fault for making you in pain again when you hadn't demanded for a massage right??
then still getting scolded for giving the pouty sad face but really very 冤枉what.
those are the srg moments where you really want to whack the blockhead.
but no more!
bye bye blockhead, hello my bueller.

and and, this was also the day where he said 2 mins interval replies were tooo long.
and he also pestered me if i woke up already.
then i replied "slowly" and with short replies.
i hope he remembers this feeling because this is the pain i feel whenever i wait for him at home while he has his lunch break or while he ends work.
and that 2 mins isn't long neither is it something to rage for but you will feel that way for some reason.
i fully understand how it feels.
you finally waited till someone wake up, but then the person reply so slow and short.
same as, you finally waited till someone knock off/lunch break, but the person reply so slow and so short.

buffet time!!!
brought back memories, back to the place where i held my 21st.
i really didn't knew it was such a ulu place.
i feel bad for all my friends hahaha.
thankew all who came.
but really chuwaaaa.
and to think that such a ulu place nobody will go right.
but there were plenty of ppl.

first thing, whack seafooood.
bueller said there was a guy waiting for my kiap kaip but i just went ahead to took my time to kiap kiap.
i know and i saw, but i mean if you were really in a hurry then you could have just used your hands since you need to use your hands to peels them off anw? 
i would have used my hand to take than wait for kiap kiap and risk losing these precious seafood and waiting for the next round of refill.
plus also, lao niang really not in the mood to give in esp after i waited so damn long to eat thissss.
and plus there was this lady who for some reason dk how she kiap all the seafood, and every single thing she kiap ended up bouncing off her kiap kiap.
some she saved on her plate, but there was one unfortunate one that bounced right off the kiap and hit my thighs and landed on the floor.
waaaa a little fire was building up within me, almost screamed at her can you kiap properly anot.
watch me and learn la.
i kiap with precision hahaha.
and so this was my load while everything above was happening.

bueller helped to get these.
then while i was back at the table, there was another annoying woman.
who kept staring over, at me in particular, for god knows what reason.
utterly pissed when i was suppose to enjoy my dinner but there were eyes on me every now and then.
you know how girls have peripheral view of 180 whereas guys only have max 90 degree? 
and she was talking so damn loudly and judging us for our seafood feast.
"why would anyone eat so much crab, the crab got so nice meh"
almost threw my crab shells at her.
you stfu, eat your own food and mind your own business.
i came here for crab and seafood what can you do?
eat as much as me la. 

scallops were gooood.
we had 8 of it at least.

this was our seafood platter.
so damn happy eh.
our cos both of us contributed to it!
while others probably felt like it was a hassle to peel all, or just left it up to their bf to peel it for them.
but for us we did it together, its all about teamwork!
and for the entire buffet i just ate this and this only.
really didn't bothered getting anything at all.
didn't even walk one round for the buffet. 
legit is quality not quantity. 
idc about laksa station or whatever DIY stations.
i just needed this.
it's cold, me hates cold but this is really exception.
this NEEDS to be cold. 
cold sweet fresh.

can i use fking good here.
huge shoutout to baby bueller, who helped my crack open these nasty claws.
sayang his hand cos these were so hard.
also laughing so hard cos genius him wrapped it in the given towel to crack these and the crack sound came from bottom of the table and it sounds wrong hahahaha. 
and freaking hell they were so sweeeeeeet.
and the meat was alot tbh, tho it seemed like it should contain more meat but it was enough.
i died after eating these.
this is the grade you get when you visit noryangjin market.
but even juicier and with more meat. 

look at the number of crab legs.
but after the above claws this doesn't taste good at all.

when there's choc fondue plus bueller, i get to eat this!!!!!!
i will nv forget our kiseki buffet together.
before we got together.
and he made me this.
i thought it was ingenious.
and i will never forget how he peeled prawns for me at kiseki tho i was the one who took it.
and he even tried feeding me.
BEFORE we were together okay??
it felt weirdly sweet and i wasn't really sure how i was supposed to react? 
because to me, guys who does such things are simply flirty.
cos god knows how many times have he peeled and fed other girls. 
uh huh it was this memorable that to this date i still rmb. 

and i really love this.
bueller ate too, and he didn't make funny faces after he took a bite.
well he almost did but i justified for the choc, that it was pure and good not artificial tasting. 
plus peppermint ice cream,
plus a good choc cake to end this buffet.
rolling out of the place, but belly satisfied.

this reminds me of our future TW trip.
i can imagine us being this happy, together 24/7 X5.
and taking such selfies and stuff in the reflection of hotel mirrors.
don't worry bueller, we shall go on a trip this year.
just a matter of when.
keep up with your patience! 
and hang on baby bull. 

i saw someone tying her hair this way while i was at bugis that day.
and i wanted to try too.
ok leh, or at elast i think i look okay? 

i do look very tiaopi here.
but can la hehe.
he look equally tiaopi with his long fringe haha.

me wants to kiss you.
oh anddd in a hotel setting, it makes me fantasize our trip even more.
just that it wouldn't be a fantasy any longer. 
thank you for holding out for this long my baby bull.

lurb lurb.

there was this day he said, on sat in fact while I was out at the mall with my fam, goodie at least bueller not bored.
which is also fuzzy idk why.
cos he just ended football.
so instead of just waiting I had other things to do.
and instead of just focusing on himself, he cared about me too.

actually more of recently.
my baby bueller stayed up to talk to meeeee.
so honoured.
that day 1h40mins, was it fri?
he stayed past midnight despite a tiring day.
today we exceeded 1hr but talking mainly about food, but still. and almost close to midnight leh.
and to the last bit bueller didn't sound like any dead fish.
really belly amazed and chuwa.
but worried at the same time.
feels like a stick that will break if it is bent too much.
and also recently, he so funny and sweet i would have died 10 times till now.
back to happy girl, alot of fuzzy wazzy moments.
feels almost like a miniature honeymoon again.
recently super telepathic, he was craving for bubble tea.
actually me too, but 我们忍
then we had the plan to drink it together tmr hehehe.

and then this was on fri.
being out at this timing on a weekday.
having someone to meet.
having things to do outside
it's a form of comfort for me.
and I like it.
but these are rare, very very rare.
and I appreciate and cherish it alot.
i still appreciate it now but i definitely DO NOT appreciate plans getting cancelled.
for something i look forward to so much.
my dooggggo cry cry.

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