09 February 2018

time doesn't fly

my poor buelller have been soooo busy.
so xinteng him.
feels like this is the busiest he have ever been since he started work?

ytd also. whole day of wei qu.
minus lunch obviously?
but aiyoo, so sayang for all the blastings tho it wasn't really a fault?
plus so hectic also.
and so out of routine for him too.
daily routine makes us tired already.
but having things out of routine for 2 days straight, wa...sure tired max.
wish i could have done something more to relieve his wei qu.
but i do feel unjust for him.
whether work context or whatever context, no one bullies my loved ones.
because if that happens, that person sure kenna blacklist by me and i will use all my strength and capabilities to protect that person.
and I really appreciate the sharing session.
even tho I was enraged and holding back alot of words I wanted to say, but I held my tongue cos that's not the whole point of sharing if I kept on rebutting.
so I kept quiet and listen.
and commented only very rationally.
and for some reason he spoke damm softly like a GIRL I was straining my poor ears to listen.
or maybe cos too used to hearing him over the phone without distractions.
but wa I was really trying hard to keep a straight face and not let any emotions disrupt our precious sharing session.
but as I said I appreciate it very much.
him for being so frank and open and honest about it.
it was very reassuring and comforting indeed.

you know, i realised this is very much like a repetition from last year.
last year this period, i was trying hard to lose weight too.
i'm not exactly "trying hard" to lose weight now, but more of staying healthy?
since i'm so freeeee.
i still eat normally, cos the diet diet really cmi.
it makes my body crave more only.
but recently appetite decreased alot.
but i think there are exceptions.
like this period cos big aunty coming.
and the cravings for sweeet stuff after dinner for some reason.
but a cup of milk tea vs a plate of dessert, which one sweeter/more calorie?
i think dessert.
but ya...i try as much to eat lesser, slowly progressively.

boring day today.
sometimes i wonder why i wake up so early for.
actually most of the time lol.
but i really want to be up early.
i need a routine, things to keep me occupied.
today was so damn long.
woke up, bought breakkie, took my time to eat slowly and talk to minnie even.
then folded my clothes.
roll on bed, read my book till i fell asleep.
and it was stillllll and ONLY 3pm.
cmi leh.
then was scrolling through social media AGAIN.
countless times, and to the extend whereby the feed is repeated.
put my phone away, decided to iron my clothes.
took me a good 1hr.
slowly iron out all the creases.
but was wondering about bueller cos he run one errand so long.
and run errand usually quite lepak but he keep mia.
so was wondering what happened.
but so much cock up for him.
so sian.
then after ironing, IT WAS FINALLY ALMOST 5PM.
time to do workout.
kept me entertained for next 30 mins.
and i had nothing to do again.
cooled down.
minnie shared a video with me.
shower time.
and finally waited till the time where everyone knocks off.
wa kennnnut sia.
eat slowly, talk slowly.
i love dinner time because by dinner, somebady knock off and got time for meeee.
and during dinner food and people entertain me.
its not just me and my phone.
then clean up, wash dishes.
time passes quickly.
then eat fruits.
entertain cjy abit with all her daily ramblings.
nag her go shower and don't nap.
then just nice 1hr and half, watch running man on my huge ass tv.
and FINALLY it was 9.30pm htht.
i know time past freaking fast for bueller, cos it was such a hectic day.
but wa i kept on waiting till my neck grew long.
time essentially passed like an old train for me while he was on the bullet train.
and then before i knew, it was almost 11pm, and the call ended.
and it's back to me again.
not knowing what to do, too early to sleep, not even tired to sleep.
but at night is a good time, to be just me.
alone time at night is good.
alone time in morning and noon is bad.
very very bad.
so after 11, i blog.
a blog a day keeps the boredom away.
lelel like it helps.

ahhh...i need to wash my cny clothes tmr.
if i even get to doing it.
i really can't think of how i could spend my time EFFECTIVELY because there isn't even a need for that.
the tasks i come up for myself aren't the most impt.
can do, can don't do.
send email to thank interview? done.
drafted the night before, just had to copy paste and send.
took me less than a minute for something very legit and needed to be done.
I mean essentially I could just find a kdrama and just watch it.
but I don't really want to because a kdrama screws me up.
I have zero discipline when it comes to that and when I am this free.
I will cheong and watch episodes after episodes from when I wake up till 8am the next  morning.
yeap that's right.
doesn't matter if it's only first two episodes.
I have the tendency to do so.
I wouldn't care a single bit if he was in a 3 by meeting.
cos I'm entertained.
I would reply every 30 mins or hourly.
yes it is to such extends.
and like, having nothing to do then watch kdrama, it's a very housewife thing to do.
I refuse to be of the same level even tho I'm pretty much like one now.
I have 2 boys at home but I couldn't care less too cos they sleep only and don't need supervision.
got house chores but I refuse to do because why should I.
I will just do my part.
what I need to do. nothing more.
and so that's why I watch running man.
1 week 1 episode release. can watch can don't watch.
but just gimmmme monehhhh.
living off my bueller when we should be saving up.
I feeeel so bad.

maybe i should just go koi.
just submit for those one year programme thing.
no income, can't do much.
funds running low.
feeling like a beggar.
can see cnt buy.
can touch cnt afford.
sad life.
well at least i'm healthy and still alive.

okay rambled enough, shall go roll on my bed till i decide its time to shut my eye.
but having sneezing flu session now for some reason.
and eye itchy like mad urgh.
this is not very positive for bed time.
cos it annoys the shit outta you when you try falling asleep.

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