12 February 2018


google is amazing.
google photos in fact.
i went to check it out on my phone ytd, i mean i check it out regularly but i don't usually explore it's functions.
but they asked if i wanted to free XXgb from my phone, and i click yes.
then they auto archived every single photo, leaving only like 40 photos on my gallery?????
then i was shocked like whuttt, where are my photos.
but amazingly, it links up to even whats app, so you can change your dp by selecting your picture from the archive.
and even now, i didn't knew you could upload pictures directly on laptop from your phone without any cables at all.
it simply links up blogger plus google photos, as long as it is under your account name.
am i making sense?
but whao i am so damn mind blown.
and it is perrrrrfect for someone so lazy like me. (:

in any case, i wanted to blog about ytd!
ytd was the day my baby and i passed the day like a married couple.
because, we went to the market and ntuc together in the morning to get the ingredients for ngo hiang, then went home and made ngo hiang.
then went for a run, went to buy koi after our run, made dinner, watched football and went to ntuc again.
isn't amazing?
i find it very cool though hahaha.
but it isn't cool when it becomes a routine.
it gets boring.
but i enjoyed ytd very very much.
i enjoyed working together to get the ngo hiang done.
in fact, bueller did everything lo.
when i was the one who said i wanted to make for him hahaha.
but so thankful for him, i would literally spend 6-8hrs to accomplish if it wasn't for him.
he chops up everything very quickly, then i season, then we wipe the beancurd sheets together and cut it together.
i never ever expected bueller to help me wrap cos he is bad at such things.
but he helped me out and i was so happppy.
turns out my wrapping skills sucks and in the end we changed roles.
i ended up weighing the meat while he wrapped.
then i steamed the ngo hiang while he transferred them, and he fried it tooo.
a lot of team work, but bueller did majority of the hardwork. 
it was damn tedious, but i enjoyed the entire process.
it was one filled with laughter, happiness and fun. (:
even running together was so fun, going to the market too.
first time going to the market with bueller, felt so different from going alone.
running was tiring but fun nonetheless, having someone to run to literally hehehehhe.
running into his smelly sweaty arms hehhehehehe.
realllly chuwaaaaa.
because all of these are a rarity.
then bueller taught me how to sharpen the knife.
so shyyyyy.
he hold my hands behind me and teach me.
even tho its the XXX times he have held me from the back but i still felt soooo shyyyy.
like those kdrama when the guy hold the girl from behind LOL.
and i might have gotten too shy and nervous that i forget what he taught me hahahah.
was trying to keep my composure but nothing getting into my head hahaha.
then helping bueller with tamago tooo.
and the small fish roe i forgot what isit called.
i really love our teamwork in the kitchen.
must do together then fun, other than the times where i don't need him ofc.
but with a trusty assistant it is definitely good hahah. 
i can't wait to meet bueller again tmr, even tho it's just a day.
it felt so damn weird to be at home on sunday.
my limbs and muscles tingling for me to go find bueller.

it's a new week again!!!
but heng short week.
and i got things to do.
i guess?
neeed to do my cny nails, and buy my cosmetics cos finish leee.
and apply for other jobs.
wash my brushes and puffs and pads.
ohya wash my lingerieeee.
hmm..what else.

oh and.
that day.
J came to ask me about my job search.
and i was like, nothing much.
then he started rambling lotsa stuff but so damn right i kennut.
i felt like i was being stalked. 
restlessness. bingoooo.
indecisive. bingooo.
want to travel? bingooo.
there were so many spot ons that it was hard not to believe cos i dislike being overly/superstitious, tho the law is such that believing is better than not believing.
but whaoooo. 
idk what sorcery but if it's true, it means that i might really get to travel, and i would really land on a job soooon?
BUT negative stuff like major change in r/s and jobs, okay maybe not negative since all he said was there would be major change, i just hope that it isn't negative.
esp r/s.
not after we and i have set our minds to improve and work on it. 
really keeeeping my fingers crossed.

i guess when things start becoming a reality it gets more uncomfortable for one to discuss it freely?
last time bueller and i used to discuss bto and stuff freely and casually, now it seems like a taboo because each discussion is a reminder of how we still can't afford a house?
but that isn't even the case.
we couldn't afford last time also what.
and it's not like i despise or look down or stop loving you just because of that.
i'm not such a cheap woman who likes men for their money only.
so it really isn't such a big deal, even tho now it has became a reality that has gotten much closer, but we will work it out and work towards it together.
so please don't feel stressed about it.
i wouldn't want you to feel stressed over it.
just let nature take its own course, no hurry.
i know many people are married/getting married/bto/gotten their houses, but you realise i'm the least affected?
i may tell you about it but to me it really doesn't matter cos you know how much i like to do things at my own pace without others interference.
so yeappp.
i just wished he wasn't so uptight everytime i show him something.
and since we are slowly moving forward to that step, isn't okay to just see?
it's like window shopping, see see look look no need buy.
and you can even try on a dress for freee just to see how you look like.
same thing, you can just browse and see see and imagine how a future house is like.
sending such related stuff definitely DOES NOT mean stressing or rushing you to work harder or any of such.
it is purely the intention of sharing and for us to just imagine how it might look like.
that thought makes me happy tho.
because that's us, that's our future, one with bueller in it.
or isit now that he started working, he is giving second thoughts?
no longer want to have a family? want to take things slower? 
we haven't really talk about it tho.
but i do know that it happenes, guys when they reach maturity etc. 
they change their train of thoughts.
but i just hope that this is the case: 我的愿望,就是希望你的愿望里也有我。
except that 愿望 --> 未来.

my fav chirashi!!!
really only bueller house one niceee.
but recently i always cnt finish the chiraashi idk why!!!
but it is really damn sedap.
and it is something i will crave for from time to time.

ngo hiang!!!
accomplished weeee.

the wrapping process

wrapping is never a tidy process hahaha

this is a huge bowl of meat. 700g, plus other ingredients combined.

bueller's hardwork!
he ended up chopping the minced meat too and massaging it like giving a massage to .........

team work!! bueller chop, i peel and prepare for him to chop.
other than chestnut.
stupidly hard and tedious grrr.

i found the reason why i wanna stay healthy.
i look back at this picture.
it's hard to imagine this was me 4 years ago.
the difference is hugeeee.
i want to get this figure back.
this figure is sooooooo slurp.
feel like a fatty bombom now.
and feel so unconfident even tho i'm not overweight.
i'm finally at the healthy weight range.
but better to be slightly skinnier. 
gain weight so easy.
lose weight so hard.
but whenever i look at this picture, it motivates and remind me why i need to keep up with my exercises at least twice per week.  

the meal i made for fam!!!!
zero appreciation.
but i hope they enjoyed it mehh.
but lotus soup i lose.
this was so goood.
or maybe cos i wasn't the one who made it.
i always find that my cooking sucks.
and turns out very differently from what i expect.
hahaha izzit too high expectations.

the meal i made for bueller!!!
his fav lotus soup.
sambal sweet potato leaves.
scallops in yam ring which failed but taught us that fried scallops tasted not bad hahahah.
and tofu with barchor. so yumzzz.

bueller made my brunch!
soooooo yummmmeh.

dinner again for bueller, herbal soup!
this was successful!
except for brinjal.
but we cleared majority.
so amazing. 
i love this meal the most.
simple and so sedap.

brinjal with pork flosss.
the batter fail.
i wanted to recreate like the one i ate at tunglok, not easy really.
thankfully bueller help me save it.
chef indeeeed.

cod fishhhhh.
somebody will drool when he see this post.

garlic steamed prawns.
simple sweet succulent.
yum yum yum. 
i'm still craving for cold prawns crycry. 
i should make it on my own.
since for $7 i can get at least 10.
yumyum. hehehe. 
minus the crab leg only. 
got any sweet cheap deals that has both? 
i really just need these 2. 
no need extravagant buffet. 
i would make it on my own, reallly.
but they sure scold me. 

yalo. this is me vs the baddie bueller last time.
tell him how i feel then i get brushed away.
so saddd.
but i really love it now, when he respond it in the manner i know him.
i told him i hit myself with remote and he say aiyoo clumsy bueller sayang you.
hehhehe feel so loved even tho he say only.
but such words and response means alot to me.
cos it shows that he cares! 

talk! honesty. faith. be there. make time.
don't expect change!!!!!!! seeeeeee. i nv expected that. 
because i don't want that. 
i like him for who he is. 
appreciate flaws. i don't pick on his flaws and tell him change change change.
i am not perfect, i throw tantrum but this is me. 
it's not throw tantrum = you tired you ignore and you want the person to change.
imagine if you do and i respond like that? 
and always receiving end receiving end.
you realise it's a two way thing?
it's not go to your end then won't come back to my end.
it's both ways hor? 
i throw, you receive. then you throw back and i receive.
if you don't feel good i don't either.

i hope this doesn't happen. 
sometimes it get tiring. 
and it happens.
but like i said we decided to work it out.
so we will. 
or i will. 

that's what i think toooooo. 
which is why i appreciate his honesty, but not those "not impt so no say".
i enjoyed that day at prego so much.
he was literally going into details and sharing me every bit of his day.
i loved it.
and so i gave him the due respect he deserved and response tooo. 
it is times like that where i watch him in awe and wonder what did i do to get a catch like that.
and just listening, and trying to empathise. 
exactly what he wanted too.
win win situation.
isn't good?? 

not so much of teasing.
hehehe MINE.
chuwa chuwa. 
i love you! muackkk.

uh huh.
but my heart always shatter boohooo.
and those forgotten sops. 
honor it with actions!!!!! not just words. 
but i do feel very much loved. 
he should keeeep it up! 

own goals: exercise, be happy and our future
you are not tired, you are uninspired!!! 
be inspired hahahhaa.
but i know how tiring it is. 
esp in sg.
it is just different. 
so let it be, cut some slack.
just enjoy life, really. 

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