03 February 2018


time passed extremely quickly today.
facial in the morning.
spending a while at the library.
then lunch with bueller.
came home, rested, ate teabreak, rested, then went out for dinz.
dianxiaoer for lunch, belly yummy and burppppp.
but we ended up not saving monehh.
lobster maki for teabreak hehehehehehe.
i sort of guessed it cos the salmon belly box felt weirdddd.
like very out of shape and felt more like a sushiii.
but i didn't open up the bag cos i was to lazy.
but nonetheless a very pleasant surprise hehehe.
dinz was liangcourt basement.
for some reason we tend to visit the basement alot, compared to the other eateries that were located upstairs.
cos basement more variety haha.
dinner was not bad too, but not whao.
bueller said he ordered curry cos he thought i wanted it.
so awwwww. but i didn't knew how to response cos it should be him buying what he really wanted to eat ma. but so sweeet hehe.
i did wanted curry initially, but after having the omu rice and an almost exploding belly i couldn't take anymore food other than trying to finish what is on my plate cos that was what i was taught to do so.
and also to realize that the omu rice in demi glazed sauce and tomato rice paired with curry was so awful.
probably what i really really wanted ytd was omu curry rice but couldn't find anything close so i settled for just omu rice.

but idk.
time passed so quickly but it felt unfulfilling for some reason.
and sad.
idk why.
although time spent together will definitely and always be enjoyable.
and so glad to spend his precious half day together.
hope he isn't that tired. :/

and have been very greedy with my sleeping hours recently.
just feeling damn tired i also dk why.
not like do alot work or wake up very early.
suppose to cultivate the healthy sleeping habits, but feels like i'm back to square one leh.
have been sleeping in recently when i'm supposed to be up by 9am?
such a bad habit.
but can't help but to stay in bed cos the weather in the morning really super cooooling.

interview next monday.
actually very chuay daiji.
should have arranged it on tuesday so i have more time to prep.
but gancheong me said yes to every day they proposed because FINALLY somebody responded.
but i can't say that this is really what i wanted, beats nothing i guess?
should be preparing for the interview now, but here i am blogging and flipping hammies tails.
not sure how should i feel about the interview.
nervous definitely, and hoping i don't flunk it even though it isn't exactly what i really wanted.
but happy too, to get called up for something with my very own efforts.

shall head to beddd.
i really dk why but i don't feel like it's been a very good day.

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