26 January 2018


woke up at 10 plus today.
it's considered sleep in for many others but early for me.
feelin so tired right now but I wanna pen down my thoughts for today.
wonder how bueller even survive his days and still can shop.
but maybe his body clock used to it already.

soo it's lone day today but it felt okay.
it felt enjoyable actually.
I didn't really wished he was here with me.
and I was so damn okay that he was busy and couldn't entertain me.
watched another movie alone for the 2nd time in my life.
felt cooool hahaha.
tho there were few occasions where you wished you could spazz with someone hahaha.
cos it was so good.
so aww so funny and so harmonious.
the songs were nice too.
I'm gonna check them out on Spotify.
and then there comes zac Efron and his dancing and singing really brings back so much HSM memories.
really still as good.
and wondering how those actresses could look so pretty and sing so damn well.

then after movie went walk walk.
you see the world very differently when you are alone.
cos it's just you and your thoughts.
and you just look silly to be smiling on your own when you see something touching or like speaking to your own thoughts and realizing how contradicting it was and you involuntarily shake the thought off kinda thing.
but it feels good to slowly browse through stuff and slowly deciding what to eat cos you had all the time in the world.
then slowly eating and savouring and taking in a lot on your surrounding.
like everything became so clear? because you were alone.
then slowly browsing through all the books and picking that one that caught your eye.

I never knee foodcourt for both lunches and dinner could be such a blissful thing.
simple food.
non fancy, no rest.
but still tasted good
keeping the tab to less than $50 for both meals.
so amazing. and so proud of it too.
plus another 10 for desserts and drinks.
happiness is when somebody steals your food and the food suddenly became alot more tastier.
happiness is when somebody don't like the food and let you eat all you want.

there's so much more things I wanna do for him.
but he doesn't have time.
weekends are so limited.
after work too.
and there so much more things I want us to do together.
shop together, legit shop by shop and trying on clothes kinda shop.
for both of us.
bake together.
cook together.
watch running man together but never ever doing it cos we end up zzz or doing other stuff.
put mask together.
him to paint my nails together.
put make up for me too hahaha.
go daiso shopping together.
go other touristy place together that we haven't been to.
work out together, exercise together but we both lazy ass never ever get to doing that other than cycling together.
he doesn't even want to cycle with me now.
we would still go to ecp to cycle occasionally, now he tells me go cycle alone or go with cjq whenever I jio.
but it was one of our activities together maaa.
and so so so many more other things to do.
but all these above need time and money.
I got no money I got time.
he got money he no time.
and don't say there's alot of next time.
next time different circumstances, we won't get to do it le.
maybe more mature, maybe even busier and loaded with more responsibilities.

but in any case today was great.
never knew alone was this fun nor this therapeutic.
imagine all the show I would have watched if I did this weekly.
but that would be so bad cos movies supposed to watch together and I might get too used to solitary if I do that weekly.
enjoyed both munch and dinner.
enjoyed shopping together too.
finally shopping together and really browsing through all the stuff.
I like.
tho mostly were for him but still enjoyable nonetheless

okay goosnight

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