25 February 2019


bello baby suks.
funny how we are blogging here after you have left, and never blogged about you before while you were here.
so many things I want to say as my tears flow off my cheeks, stopping me from my train of thoughts.
it sucks to say this but today is the 2nd day that you've been gone.
I think all of us still cant believe that you left us so suddenly.
刚才听歌时,歌词的每一句都好像唱起你。that made me really sad because we've came to bade goodbye.
you've been a strong and brave boy.
satying strong and being normal despite the tumour growing on your right hand.
it must have been painful but you continued your daily life as tho it didn't affect you.
thank you choosing such a perfect timing to leave us, even tho we wished you hadn't.
thank you for leaving in peace, as tho you just fell asleep.
thank you for all the joy you've brought us, even tho you dislike us touching you but we know you still like to be massaged.
you hated human food, and was so picky about treats and other foods too.
you've always been the better baby, waiting patiently for food and rarely snatching habs food. habs was the more haughty one.
you are also the skinnier one compared to habs, but still as cute because you did so many sealy things.
like sleeping beside the food bowl cos you wanted more food.
all the sights that we wont be able to see forever, because you are no longer here with us.
only left with rewatching videos and photos of you.
it is weird that we no longer call habs suks together as a set, but just habs and mikko.
which is such a weird combination.
no more goodnight habs goodnight suks, only goodnight habs. no more good morning and bello babies I'm back too, only bello habs.
because you are no longer around. and I hope habs stay strong too, because I'm not ready to be left with saying things only to mikko.
but we know habs misses you too, his snuggling buddy and everything else.
you are not the first hammy I've sent away, yet my heart still hurts and I'm still crying as hell.
如果你看到yuki 和 snowy, 帮我跟他们说嗨,我们没有忘记过它们。
goodbye sukoko.
love you very much baby, forever and always.

what you always do

cutie piee I almost died 

you who loves sleeping there so much.

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