26 April 2020


the longer I stay here.
the more I feel suffocating
all the image built 
all nonsense.
how perfect it is.
in my eyes right now it is the most imperfect.
tightly bounded.
not an ounce of freedom.
the longer I am here the more I want to leave.
the more I hate this place.
all the ramblings I hate it.
so much restrictions cant even do any single shit.
every shit done every comment made.
and its getting more and more insane.
like wtf.
time bomb anytime.
why should any decision revolve around anyone.
so only 1 person needs to be happy in the house the whole time?
I have my own life to lead also.
things are different stop seeing it your way.
like freaking seriously stop it.
I really hate it. and the urge to leave just gets stronger.
absolutely controlled. 
and it just gets worst. something seemingly so nornal gets blown up into something mega.
sorry you dont earn respect for yourself.
time and time again it feels like I'm living in a madhouse a place unfit for human to stay.
bring me away from this crazy place. 
absolutely annoying that I feel like strangling and knocking sense into senseless ppl and ppl who have zero knowledge of things. 
this place no longer makes me feel loved and feel a sense of belonging.
I always want to run. then you guys are such a failure then.
it is the kinda madhouse that drives ppl away.
talk about bond. I dont see any. at all.
at zero freedom.
not a life I want. never. 

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